Friday 22 December 2017

Dream A Vivid Dream

Most of us have heard of the infamous 'vivid dreams' pregnancy brings. The getting up to the loo multiple times a night, the discomfort of an expanding stomach, all those ligaments loosening to jerk you awake with a stab of pain if you turn too quickly, and an ample surge in hormones all add to the likelihood we'll experience vivid and frequent dreams while pregnant. 

This is my first pregnancy and already I've had some cracking dreams that had those who I've told laughing at my utter ridiculousness. I wouldn't like to cause alarm with the craziness of my pregnant subconscious mind so I'll disclose one of my more milder dreams... I decided to go rogue and rob a bakery where I decided to eat ALL the cake... just before I took that first bite, the world apocalypse started and I had to scarper (I interpreted this as, if I don't get my craving for cake, it's the end of my world).

However, it's not always craziness and nonsense that I dream because last night I had the most amazing dream of all...

... I dreamt I met you my baby girl, I dreamt you were here. 

You had dark curly hair just like me and the chubbiest of faces that couldn't stop smiling. Your cheeks were rosy and your eyes sparkled. I held you in my arms and couldn't believe you were mine. I stared and stared at you as you laughed and I laughed too.  

I admit that my patience is being tested... I can't wait to meet you for real and time seems to be dragging today more than ever. But I know that every day you are inside me, you grow and get stronger, ready for the day we finally see each other for the first time. For now, my dreaming will have to do and I hope that I'll get to meet you again in my dreams before you're here for real.

Have you had any memorable pregnancy dreams? Please share your own experiences in the comment section below: 

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